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Create a public or encrypted action file.


await connector.runOS({
  method: SYSTEM_CALL.createActionFile,
  params: {
    action: {
      actionType: ActionType.LIKE,
      comment: 'I like it!',
      isRelationIdEncrypted: false,
      isCommentEncrypted: false,
    relationId: indexFileId,
    fileName: 'like',


  • OPTIONAL - folderId: string - the id of the target folder to put the action file in, if not specified, the action file will be put in the default folder declared in create-meteor-app.

  • action - object - the content of the action file. Here is an example:

    • actionType - ActionType - type of the action, the enum is defined as:
      enum ActionType {
          LIKE = "LIKE",
          COMMENT = "COMMENT",
          UNLOCK = "UNLOCK",
          RECEIVE = "RECEIVE"
    • comment - string - the comment content
    • isRelationIdEncrypted - boolean - whether the relation id is encrypted
    • isCommentEncrypted - boolean - whether the comment is encrypted
  • relationId - string - the id of the target index file that this action links to

  • fileName - string - the name of the action file


  newFile: MirrorFile;
  currentFolder: StructuredFolder;
  allFolders: StructuredFolderRecord;
  "newFile": {
    "fsVersion": "0.11",
    "action": {
      "actionType": "LIKE",
      "comment": "I like it!",
      "isRelationIdEncrypted": false,
      "isCommentEncrypted": false
    "relationId": "kjzl6kcym7w8ya3kyamskljmo181t6z3vz6px0w90c76ea3m28g994t58341ijt",
    "fileName": "like",
    "fileType": 0,
    "createdAt": "2023-11-02T09:03:10.480Z",
    "updatedAt": "2023-11-02T09:03:10.480Z",
    "fileId": "kjzl6kcym7w8y8cirfy9639ohwdv5mggb7zbvwtdnw8b0sbpmaorewq2ibasdm2",
    "external": {
      "fileName": "update the file",
  "currentFolder": {
  "allFolders": {

The external field is the index file that the action file links to.