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Meteor Wallet

Meteor Wallet

Meteor Wallet (opens in a new tab) is a web3 wallet that manages both your financial assets and personal data.

It is not a wallet for cryptocurrency, but a data wallet where you can store, visualize and mange your online data in a decentralized manner.

The wallet acts as a gateway to DataverseOS-powered dApps. It ensures cross-app data security and prevents malicious apps from tampering users' data without consent.

Meteor also provides system calls for developers to build data dapps upon various data layers. There are three types of data wallets to integrate - they are Meteor Extension, Meteor Snap and Meteor Web (self-custody, where OS client is running inside the iframe).

Secure resources

We build Meteor wallet with the latest Ethereum Improvement Proposals, including Sign-in-with-Ethereum (SIWE, EIP4361) and Object Capability (ReCaps, EIP-5573). It implements safe, fine-grained resource control.

Sign-In with Ethereum (SIWE) defines how users can create decentralized identities and authenticate with off-chain applications.

ReCaps extends Sign-In with Ethereum's functionality, enabling users to grant informed consent to applications to act on their behalf after signing in.

By combining these two standards, Meteor Wallet enables users to selectively delegate permissions for applications to handle some of their resources. This is done by signing messages that inform the user exactly what access they are granting.

DApp authenticator

To prevent malicious applications from disguising themselves and obtaining unauthorized access to a user's resources, Dataverse Wallet also functions as an application authenticator.

We maintain a decentralized application registry that provides triple assurance that any app a user connects with is trusted and authorized. This verification happens through:

  • The application's domain name - Dataverse Wallet checks that the domain matches the registered name for that app.
  • The application's admin key - Each registered app has a unique admin key that Dataverse verifies is valid and approved.
  • The user's signature - The user signs a message authorizing the specific app domain when first connecting to the app.

Together, these three authentication mechanisms ensure users only connect to legitimate applications. Before granting any access permissions, Dataverse Wallet rigorously validates both the user's approval and the application's registered identity.