Pyra Asset
Developers can arbitrarily customize the data monetization layer business based on the DataAssetBase (opens in a new tab) base class.
This is the basic type of DataAssetBase:
import { Attached, DataAsset, Connector, EncryptionProvider, MonetizationProvider } from "@meteor-web3/connector";
import { BigNumberish, BytesLike, Signer } from "ethers";
import { ChainId } from "../types";
import { GeneralAccessConditions, SourceAssetConditionInput, SourceAssetConditions, LinkedAssetConditions, LinkedAssetConditionInput, ActParams, PublishParams, AddActionsParams } from "./types";
export declare class DataAssetBase {
fileOrFolderId?: string;
assetContract?: string;
chainId?: ChainId;
assetId?: string;
generalAccessConditions?: GeneralAccessConditions;
sourceAssetConditions?: SourceAssetConditions;
linkedAssetConditions?: LinkedAssetConditions;
monetizationProvider?: MonetizationProvider;
encryptionProvider?: EncryptionProvider;
connector: Connector;
signer?: Signer;
constructor({ chainId, connector, fileOrFolderId, assetContract, assetId }: {
chainId?: ChainId;
connector: Connector;
fileOrFolderId?: string;
assetContract?: string;
assetId?: string;
protected createAssetHandler(publishParams: PublishParams, withSig?: boolean): Promise<string>;
protected _act(actParams: ActParams, withSig?: boolean): Promise<BytesLike[]>;
protected _addActions(addActionsParams: AddActionsParams, withSig?: boolean): Promise<void>;
protected _checkERC20BalanceAndAllowance(currency: string, amount: BigNumberish, spender: string): Promise<void>;
private _buildPublishSignature;
private _buildActSignature;
private _buildAddActionsSignature;
protected addGeneralCondition(acl: GeneralAccessConditions): void;
protected addSourceCondition({ acl, timestamp }: {
acl: Omit<SourceAssetConditionInput, "functionParams">;
timestamp?: number;
}): void;
protected addLinkCondition({ acl, linkedAsset, attached }: {
acl: Omit<LinkedAssetConditionInput, "contractAddress" | "functionParams" | "chain">;
linkedAsset?: DataAsset;
attached?: Attached;
}): Promise<void>;
protected applyFileConditions(fileId?: string): Promise<{
fileContent: {
file: Omit<import("@meteor-web3/connector").MirrorFile, "content" | "external">;
content?: import("@meteor-web3/connector").FileContent | undefined;
protected applyFolderConditions(folderId?: string): Promise<import("@meteor-web3/connector").StructuredFolder>;
getAssetOwner(assetId: BytesLike): Promise<string>;
Create an asset with data as the parameters required by the base class contract itself. The action array can be passed to the action contract deployed by the developer, and the actionInitData can be passed to the contract specific method parameters or an empty array. After successful execution, store the assetId in the class.
Add basic access control conditions, such as wallet address, balance, and whether NFTs are held, generally without involving custom contract conditions. Will add an object to the generalAccessionConditions array.
Adding access control conditions for custom contracts. Requires meeting certain conditions of the asset itself. Will add an object to the sourceAssetConditions array.
Adding access control conditions for custom contracts. Requires meeting certain conditions that are not specific to the asset itself, but rather those of other assets. Will add an object to the linkedAssetConditions array.
Similar to createTokenFile, but only for the existing private file instead of creating a new one.
In order to successfully unlock, you need to call a contract function to meet the access control conditions.
DataToken (opens in a new tab) is a demonstration sdk based on DataAssetBase base class.
Create a private file first, and use publish method to create a data token and generate asset Id. Internally, createAssetHandler will be called. Then, you can call applyConditionsToFile to impose access control conditions on a file that can only be decrypted by the creator and collector. Internally, addGeneralCondition, addSourceCondition and applyFileConditions will be called. After creating data token, in order to successfully unlock the file, you need to call a contract function to meet the access control conditions.